Wednesday, December 23, 2009



For some of the tasks we had to create a set of media products that linked into our production. The Products we had to create to go with the short films were a Film Poster and a Review Page of the film we were making. We did these two tasks alongside filming the Product so we could get photos too and help link  them together to make the final product feel much more real. We tried to keep our narrative enigma in all of the texts we made so that it was obvious that they all went together but obviously in the real world these products would all be made by different companies so they would not be directly linked together only through business unless these companies were owned by the same conglomerate e.g Twentieth Century Fox or General Electric.

For the film poster we placed the central protagonist in the center of the poster to connote the importance of this character to the films plot, to signify hes the most important person in the film. The poster promotes our film by attracting our target audience and peaking there curiosity, making them want to watch the film. The film poster anchors the genre of the film as its quite a scary image showing the charater standing over a dead body but this also helps appeal to the target audience as it connotes that it will be a horror movie.

Our Magazine review relates to the target audience by using quite formal language but its easy to understand so a fifteen year old could read it. The article is aimed more at Boys/Men as this is the Sex that mostly watch Horror movies but there may be features that appeal to Women too. We intertextually referenced the Film poster from Friday the 13th when we made ours as we felt it was quite relevant to our film showing that he is a mysterious figure.


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