Monday, October 12, 2009


This is the Production Schedule that me and Alex have come up with and plan to stick to to get our production filmed. This may not be possible if unforeseen problems occur but we will have to deal with that when the time comes, but this is the basic plan we will try to follow.

Monday 23rd November - On this day we hope to film all of our test footage so that we can have a look at it and decide exactly how our filming should be conducted. We should aim to test a lot of different camera angles and shots in this session, and actors performance will not be crucial!

Tuesday 24th November - On this day we hope to film all of our scenes up on Ilkley moor, this will require taking plenty of shots so that we have a lot to play with when ti comes to editing and do not need to travel up there again and re-set up the scenes.

Thursday 26th November - On our final day of filming we plan to film the footage in Alex's house were the victim is introduced. This will require us collecting a lot of props to set up the scene properly, which is why I gave ourselves a day off in between to collect all these props. 


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